Why Vaccinate?
Reasons why I believe every eligible person should get the Covid-19 vaccine
Because advances in science should be celebrated, not feared
Because without a susceptible host, Covid-19 virus cannot duplicate, mutate and become resistant to the current vaccine
Because every adult Covid-19 death is now almost entirely preventable
Because 96% of physicians in the US chose to receive the vaccine (American Medical Association)
Because by protecting ourselves, we protect others
Because we have already lost too many loved ones to preventable disease
Because “natural immunity” did not save the vast majority of the more than 650,000 Americans who lost their lives to Covid-19 (a very small fraction was vaccinated; no vaccine is 100% effective but Covid vaccine is extremely effective at preventing death)
Because vaccination is the shortest path to get back to our normal lives
Because for fighting the pandemic, we should use every weapon at our disposal
Because life is precious
Because at least one vaccine has been fully approved by FDA